My Working Style

Conceptual ideas

Anything can solve the pain point of a user which arise in the format of innovation or idea. Once it is identified, it will convert into business requirements. This is prime input or a lead for a UX designer.

Set Expectation

It is very important that, your conceptual idea need to satisfy the expectations of the user and business. If anyone fails UX will fail. This is the point where business need take key decision with help of a UX expert.

Patterns to solve user’s problem

By different types user research methods we could find the patterns to solve user’s problem. Here are some of the user research methods.

  • Interviews
  • Observation
  • Surveys


Data which you gathered from any of the above said method drives you to next level of UX, ie analysis of data. You need to take a deep dive into it. While Analysing, note down all the points, whether it’s a suggestion, pain point, expectations, ideas, road blocker etc and prioritize according to the users inputs.

Next step is to segment the User type. Based on the user segment create personas. Personas are noting but it is a dummy users which have characteristics of real user. This will help while brainstorming sessions to think in user point of view and able to create stories for different scenarios, behaviours etc.

Scenarios will convert into task flow diagrams to get better understanding about the granular level system flow.

This practice will helps to plan about a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) that is actually required to the market and make an assessment about the Return on Investment (ROI)

Information Architecture (IA)

When task flows are done you are ready to design an Information Architecture, which connect all task flows under single roof with original labels. It connects missing links of the system and easy to understand the complete user flow.


Wireframes are the blue prints or skeleton of page layouts. It starts with conversion of Information Architecture to low fidelity sketches. This gives the basic concept of layout, placement of objects, decide which components to be used etc. It can be drawn on a white board, papers or with sketching softwares. Later it will change to high fidelity wireframes with more detailing such as labelling, navigation, position, etc which will gives more resemblance actual visual design.


Normally says workable prototypes. To get better understanding about interaction, navigation and usability test prototypes will help to certain extend. User will get an idea about how system is going to work. Using HTML CSS and javascript or with the help of software like Axure and invision we can develop prototypes.

Visual Design

Visual design provide solution to enhance the visual communication elements like colours, images, icons, typography etc. It gives flesh and magical beauty to the page layouts to attract, identify and interact with the users.

Usability Test

This should happened at all the phases of UX design life cycle from wireframe stage onwards. It is important to validate the system with the users to avoid user experience relates issues. Some of the usability testing practices are A/B testing, remote usability testing, eye tracking etc.

UI Development

Once above said UX practices are completed all the assets should handover UI development team. They start frontend coding which connect the system with backend coding.

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